New ways to donate!

Thinking of joining us at the 2022 Jason Claudfelter Golf Invitational next month, and you want to pay ahead of time?  Now, there's even more ways to donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berks County -- including for the golf event!  Besides using a credit card, BBBS of Berks now accepts donations via Venmo and ACH transfers.To register a foursome for the Golf Invitational on August 19th at Willow Hollow, simply go to  Maybe you don't want to golf, but still want to help in the efforts as a Hole Sponsor or a Corporate Sponsor.  If so, go to Besides credit cards, Venmo, and ACH, the sites both also support PayPal payments.For more information, call the agency at (610) 373-5544 or email Jim Smith at **Persons who want to make a general (not event related) donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berks County to support our four mentoring programs serving children facing adversity can go to:


A Taste of Teen...and that's why we golf!


Carnival at BBBS!