Make a Difference in a Child’s Life Today
and transform their potential for tomorrow
This is our best known program, and the cornerstone of our agency. A positive adult role model (aged 19 or older) is matched with a Little Brother or Little Sister for at least one year. The Little and Big meet for a minimum of 8-to-10 hours per month. The Big, Little, and parent/guardian of the Little decide on what the outings are and when they occur…with guidance and support form BBBS professional staff. Tremendous flexibility exists with this proven program offering.
COUL is a group-mentoring program that offers a great option for volunteers with time constraints! Supervised COUL activities are held weekly for unmatched Littles while waiting to be matched in our One-To-One program. The activities differ each week, and range from informational/educational to just plain FUN! Volunteer mentors in this program are required to attend at least six (6) activities a year, although many attend more! COUL fosters resiliency, encourages goal-setting, teaches life skills, and provides all COUL Kids with a caring and supportive environment.
Also a group-mentoring program, TEEN is for clients already part of Big Brothers Big Sisters…ages 13 and older, matched or unmatched. The program is designed to teach adult-life skills, and helps our teen Littles prepare for the decisions they will need to make after high school graduation. TEEN meets at least once a month with Big Brothers/Sisters from our COUL and One-To-One programs helping. TEEN is a program for teens, run by teens…with a peer-elected TEEN Executive Committee planning and coordinating monthly events.
This program is strictly a school-based mentoring program, targeting specific elementary & middle schools in Berks County. We serve Conrad Weiser East Elementary, Conrad Weiser West Elementary, and Conrad Weiser Middle School (Conrad Weiser SD), Hamburg Middle School (Hamburg SD), Oley Valley Elementary School (Oley Valley SD), Andrew Maier Elementary School (Fleetwood SD), and Glenside Elementary School (Reading SD). College, business professionals, and/or high-school students work with the Littles for at least one hour per week at the school in a carefully-supervised setting.