New One-To-One Match!

Congratulations, Little Brother Ariel and Big Brother Kevin!  They are our newest One-To-One Match.BB Kevin has been a Big since 2020; meanwhile, LB Ariel came to Big Brothers Big Sisters when he was 9-years-old.  He's a teen now and is excited about his first match.  LB Ariel is a very active Little who enjoys playing sports, drawing, building, and outdoor activities.  His mother shared that LB Ariel is always willing to help others.LB Ariel and BB Kevin were matched because of their common interests and active personalities.  They already have plans to go on outings such as fishing, playing basketball, and bowling together. 

Like BB Kevin, you too can help to defend potential in our Littles.  Since 1968, BBBS of Berks has providing quality-driven mentoring programs to Berks County children facing adversity.  Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships to ignite the power and promise of youth.  We want all youth to achieve their full potential.For as little as 12 hours per year (as a Big in our group-mentoring COUL program) up to an average of 8-10 hours per month (as a One-To-One Big), YOU can make a difference in a child’s life!For more information on becoming a Big, call the agency at (610) 373-5544 or visit our website at


COUL Little of the Month - December 2022


Annual Awards 2022