BFKS Event T-shirts…a time-honored tradition

In the 40+ year history of Bowl For Kids’ Sake, we’ve had many different colors of the BFKS T-shirts given to all bowlers and volunteers at the event. Look around Berks County and you can often see one color or the next — while people go to the gym, wash their cars, go to the mall, and more. Some people even collect them.

Soooo…you might be wondering, what color will the 2024 BFKS T-shirt be? Hint: you might be seeing the color above — but I can tell you it has been quite a while since we’ve seen this color on a BFKS t-shirt.

We won’t be announcing the color until next month just prior to our bowling days, but here’s another hint…it will look great on YOU! So great that I think you should sign up right now to get one!

How, you might ask? That’s easy! Register today to bowl in our 42nd Annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake. You’ll have so much FUN while knowing that you are defending potential in our youth. To register, just go to or call us at (610) 373-5544.


Thank You, BFKS Corporate Sponsors


PA EITC program