Annual Holiday Party
It's an exciting time here at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berks County! Tomorrow evening will be our first full-on in-person Holiday Party since 2019, and preparations have been going on for a while now -- including a host of Santa's Helpers to make sure our Littles and their families enjoy the holidays.Santa's main BBBS of Berks elf (Youth Activities Coordinator Colleen Tuomi) and staff were out gathering gifts this week. We thank all of our friends at Performance Toyota, Loomis, and C & S for providing gifts to give to our Littles at tomorrow's Holiday Party.Besides all kinds of food, fun/games, and music -- the Annual Holiday Party includes our Annual Awards. We have already presented our David Hyman Volunteer of the Year Award to Board member Doug Myers (picture pending). Tomorrow, we will also honor the COUL Little of the Year, COUL Big of the Year, Teen of the Year, Community Champion of the Year, Corporate Sponsor of the Year, and Community Partner of the Year. We will also announce our SMART Match of the Year and the One-To-One Match of the Year.
Finally, we know he is quite busy as always during this time of the year -- but word has it that Santa & Mrs. Claus have set aside some time to come visit with us. Ooooooohhh, I hope I get to tell them what's on my wish list this year! :)