40th Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake

We're only about two months out from our 40th Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake and hope you can join in the fun!  40th BFKS video

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berks County is looking to raise upwards of $80,000 to help fund our four (4) quality-driven mentoring programs -- and with YOUR help and that of the Berks County community, we can make this milestone year a year to remember!  There are a number of ways to help:Companies and individuals can help in a number of ways.  One way is through Corporate Sponsorship – joining others including Tompkins VIST Bank and others like Penske, Performance Toyota, and more as a Corporate Sponsor.  There are three levels:  T-shirt Sponsor ($2,500 level), Major Sponsor ($1,000 level), and Assisting Sponsor ($500 level).  Companies can contact the agency to learn more about the levels and the marketing benefits or go to https://give.classy.org/SupportBFKS2022.

A second way is that companies and individuals can also help by becoming a Littles Team Sponsor ($300 for full sponsor/$150 for co-sponsor).  As a Littles Team Sponsor, a team(s) of Littles and volunteer Bigs will bowl in your name during each of the three bowling days.A third way, according to Executive Director Jim Smith, is to form your own bowling team and “join us for some FUN to HELP KIDS!”  Each team of up to five (5) bowlers is asked to raise a minimum of $300. 

Each bowler receives a free game of bowling, a BFKS event t-shirt, lunch/snacks/refreshments, and a Thank You envelope with surprises inside.  Individual bowlers reaching a level of $150 or more are entered into our Grand Prize drawing ($500 worth of Boscov’s gift cards).  Anyone interested in forming a team can call the agency at (610) 373-5544 to secure a BFKS Team packet or register on-line at https://give.classy.org/BerksBFKS2022


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