Congratulations to our first new matches of 2021!

Little Brother Nick and Big Brother Mike "got together" for the first time on January 6th!  LB Nick and BB Mike started their new One-To-One mentoring relationship as a virtual match, and will take some time to start building their friendship virtually -- looking forward to the time when they will meet in-person.  Thank you, BB Mike, for standing with LB Nick to defend his potential!We also congratulate Little Sister Reeyana and Big Sister Melissa!  LS Reeyana and BS Melissa also had their first meeting on January 6th.  They're One-To-One relationship is starting out in-person under our COVID-19 guidelines. Our appreciation to you too, BS Melissa, for helping to empower LS Reeyana's potential.Our Littles need our help even more than ever, as we strive to make our way through the challenges of COVID-19 and more.  Despite all the challenges, over 95% of our Littles surveyed sustained or improved their sense of the future -- thanks in no small part to the support and friendship they received from the 175 Bigs who volunteered with us in 2020.We have about 40 Littles awaiting a One-To-One match in our community-based programs.  YOU can be the next Big to step up to inspire potential!  For more information on how to become a Big, go to or call our agency at (610) 373-5544.  We continue to maintain modified COVID hours, so you can call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.


Little of the Month - January 2021