40th Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake

We are celebrating 40 years of fun to help kids, and we hope you will join us at this year's Bowl For Kids' Sake!  Sponsored by Tompkins VIST Bank, the 40th Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake takes place April 19th at Hiester Lanes and April 23rd & 24th at Berks Lanes.There are a number of ways you can help:

  • Your company can join us as one of our Corporate Sponsors: T-Shirt Sponsor ($2,500 level), Major Sponsor ($1,000 level), or Assisting Sponsor ($500 level).
  • You or your company can be a Littles Team Sponsor ($300 full sponsor/$150 co-sponsor) and have a team of Littles & Bigs bowl in your name.

Call the agency at (610) 373-5544 to find out the marketing opportunities for each level of sponsorship or find out more & pay on-line at https://give.classy.org/SupportBFKS2022

  • Form your own BFKS Team in your company or with family and friends.  Call the agency to get your BFKS Team Packets today or register on-line at https://give.classy.org/BerksBFKS2022
  • Finally, for those not wanting to bowl at the lanes, you could always participate from a distance through virtual bowling, bowl with your own video gaming system, bowl at your local bowling alley on your own time, or create your own backyard bowling alley!  To participate as one of our virtual bowlers or bowling teams, register at https://give.classy.org/BerksBFKS2022_virtual

We hope you can join us for some fun, food, and games at the 40th Annual Bowl For Kids' Sake!


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